What is ViewController in Swift?
You use view controllers to manage your UIKit app’s interface. A view controller manages a single root view, which may itself contain any number of subviews. User interactions with that view hierarchy are handled by your view controller, which coordinates with other objects of your app as needed.
What is the ancestor class of the view controller?
The nearest ancestor in the view controller hierarchy that is a tab bar controller.
Is loadView open source?
The LoadView platform allows users to run various user simulation types, including HTTP/S and web page and web application tests (Chrome and Internet Explorer). LoadNinja is powered by Selenium, an open-source framework for testing web applications.
Is loadView called before viewDidLoad?
Use viewDidLoad( ), which is called AFTER loadView( ) has completed its job and the UIView is ready to be displayed. viewDidLoad( ) allows you to initialize properties of the view/viewController object and finalize them before viewWillAppear( ) is called.
What is a UI view controller?
A UIViewController is an object which manages the view hierarchy of the UIKit application. The UIViewController defines the shared behavior and properties for all types of ViewController that are used in the iOS application. The UIViewController class inherits the UIResponder class.
What is the lifecycle of a view controller?
The view controller lifecycle can be divided into two big phases: the view loading and the view lifecycle. The view controller creates its view the first time the view is accessed, loading it with all the data it requires. This process is the view loading. The second responsibility is to render and hide its view when it is needed.
What are the options for transitions between UIView controllers?
func transition(from: UIViewController, to: UIViewController, duration: TimeInterval, options: UIView.AnimationOptions, animations: ( () -> Void)?, completion: ( (Bool) -> Void)?) Transitions between two of the view controller’s child view controllers.
What is the role of a view controller?
A view controller is the sole owner of its view and any subviews it creates. It is responsible for creating those views and for relinquishing ownership of them at the appropriate times such as when the view controller itself is released.
What is a UIResponder view controller?
A view controller is tightly bound to the views it manages and takes part in handling events in its view hierarchy. Specifically, view controllers are UIResponder objects and are inserted into the responder chain between the view controller’s root view and that view’s superview, which typically belongs to a different view controller.