What phone code is this 01661?
01661 Area Code The location for 01661 is Prudhoe, UK. The 01661 area code will allow you to make calls to Prudhoe from wherever in the world you are.
Where is the area code 01405?
01405 Area Code The location for 01405 is Goole, UK. The 01405 area code will allow you to make calls to Goole from wherever in the world you are. For those who wish to call Goole from abroad, follow these simple steps: 1.
Who called 01405744192?
This is Stoneacre Motor Group (checked from their letter). Just a reminder for service or MOT. Looking on this web site and it appears to be a call from Stoneacre car dealers.
What telephone area code is 01404?
{{Number of results}} Results are shown
Code | Area |
01404 | Honiton |
01405 | Goole |
01406 | Holbeach |
01407 | Holyhead |
What area code number is 01388?
The location for 01388(2) is Stanhope, UK. The 01388(2) area code will allow you to make calls to Stanhope from wherever in the world you are.
What area phone code is 01386?
Evesham. The 01386 area code is for Evesham and the surrounding area. Locations using 01386 numbers include: Ashton-under-Hill.
What area code is 01387?
The location for 01387 is Dumfries, UK. The 01387 area code will allow you to make calls to Dumfries from wherever in the world you are.
What area is 01952 code?
The location for 01952 is Telford, UK. The 01952 area code will allow you to make calls to Telford from wherever in the world you are.
What is the area code for 01661?
The 01661 area code is a 4 digit geographical dialling code (excluding the zero) used in telecommunications for the Prudhoe area. The local telephone numbers within the 01661 are 6 digits long. The correct format in which to write a telephone number from the Prudhoe area code is (01661) [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]. Where is the 01661 Area Code?
Where is the 01661 Prudhoe dialling code?
The Prudhoe 01661 dialling code is situated in the county of Northumberland in the North East Region of the UK. When do I need to use the 01661 Prudhoe dialling code?
Is this phone number 016618260 a scam?
Phone number was 01661 670685. This number 016618260 phoned several times today so left answer machine on and no messages were left so presume it is a scam. No idea phone went dead.