What time does the sunset in April in Hawaii?
April 2022 — Sun in Honolulu
2022 | Sunrise/Sunset | Solar Noon |
Apr | Sunrise | Time |
20 | 6:08 am ↑ | 12:30 pm |
21 | 6:07 am ↑ | 12:30 pm |
22 | 6:06 am ↑ | 12:29 pm |
What time does the sunset in Maui in April?
April 2022 — Sun in Maui
2022 | Sunrise/Sunset | |
Apr | Sunrise | Sunset |
19 | 6:03 am ↑ | 6:45 pm ↑ |
20 | 6:02 am ↑ | 6:45 pm ↑ |
21 | 6:01 am ↑ | 6:46 pm ↑ |
What time does the sunset in Kona Hawaii in April?
April 2022 — Sun in Kailua-Kona
2022 | Sunrise/Sunset | |
Apr | Sunrise | Sunset |
1 | 6:17 am ↑ | 6:38 pm ↑ |
2 | 6:16 am ↑ | 6:38 pm ↑ |
3 | 6:15 am ↑ | 6:38 pm ↑ |
What time is sunset in Oahu in May?
May 2022 — Sun in Honolulu
2022 | Sunrise/Sunset | |
May | Sunrise | Sunset |
28 | 5:49 am ↑ | 7:08 pm ↑ |
29 | 5:49 am ↑ | 7:08 pm ↑ |
30 | 5:49 am ↑ | 7:09 pm ↑ |
What time does it get dark in Maui in May?
Typically, the sun rises around 6:40 a.m. in March and 5:50 a.m. in May. You’ll have ample time to explore the park, book a zipline tour or other fun activity, and make it back to the summit for the sunset. The sunset is around 6:35 p.m. in March and 6:55 p.m. in May.
What time is sunset in Maui in March?
around 6:35 p.m.
March, April, May You’ll have ample time to explore the park, book a zipline tour or other fun activity, and make it back to the summit for the sunset. The sunset is around 6:35 p.m. in March and 6:55 p.m. in May.
Where in Hawaii has the best sunsets?
Mauna Kea Summit If you’re looking for the “most epic” place to watch the sunset, you might as well head to the highest point in all of Hawaiʻi: The summit of Mauna Kea, just shy of 14,000 feet. Often above the clouds, the vantage point is otherworldly as you look down upon the sun as it sets.
Is April a good time to visit Hawaii?
Hawaii Weather in April Spring is always a good time to travel to Hawaii. Unlike other areas, where the spring means rain, the rainy weather of the winter months is a distant memory in Hawaii. The daytime temperatures are comfortably warm, averaging in the high 70s and low 80s.
What time is sunset in Honolulu in April?
To determine sunrise/sunset times at locations other than Honolulu, use the corrections provided below the table….Hawai’i Sunrise & Sunset Times.
Date | Sunrise | Sunset |
April 6 | 6:20 | 6:48 |
April 7 | 6:20 | 6:48 |
April 8 | 6:19 | 6:49 |
April 9 | 6:18 | 6:49 |
Can you swim in Hawaii in April?
Hawaii’s ocean temperatures are warm enough for swimming. In fact, you can swim year round in Hawaii without needing a wetsuit. Is April a crowded time to visit Hawaii? Overall, crowds are definitely low in April.