What time is Rahu Kaal tomorrow in Mumbai?
Rahu Kalam on every day of a Week
Day | Rahu Kalam |
Sunday | 04:30 PM to 06:00 PM |
Monday | 07:30 AM to 09:00 AM |
Tuesday | 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM |
Wednesday | 12:00 PM to 01:30 PM |
What is Yamaganda Kala?
Yamagand Kaal is calculated by dividing the time duration between sunrise and sunset into 8 segments. For eg. let the sunrise be at 6:00 am and sunset at 6:00 pm. The difference between them is 12 hours. On dividing these hours into 8 segments, the result is 1.5 hours each.
What time is Rahu Kaal today in Delhi?
Rahu Kaal also changes for each city as the Sunrise differs from city to city….Rahu Kalam on every day of a Week.
Day | Rahu Kalam |
Sunday | 04:30 PM to 06:00 PM |
Monday | 07:30 AM to 09:00 AM |
Tuesday | 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM |
Wednesday | 12:00 PM to 01:30 PM |
Is Rahu Kaal good for marriage?
Traditional belief suggests that Rahu Kaal is inauspicious because Rahu overpowers the mind and weakens an individual’s ability to think. Therefore, it is best to avoid it while planning auspicious events like marriage, housewarming, child’s naming ceremony or other sacred beginnings.
What is good time today?
As the name suggests, Today Panchang is a part of the Hindu Calender i.e, Panchang, which is used in order to find out about the auspicious timings for Muhurat in a day….Panchang Today.
Auspicious Timings (Shubha Muhurat) | |
Abhijit | 11:55:00 AM to 12:49:00 PM |
Which Dasha people get married?
Marriage usually takes place during the Dasha of the planet placed in the seventh house. Marriage can also take place during the Dasha of the lord of seventh house. The Dasha of the second house always results in a marriage. Venus is considered the Karak of marriage.
Is today Shubh muhurat?
Today’s Choghadiya timing for Mumbai, Ahmedabad and New Delhi is given below showing auspicious shubh muhurat….Choghadiya Sunday, July 10. • Aaj Ka Choghadiya.
Night Choghadiya Sunset – 07:16 PM # | ||
Labh Kaal Ratri | 02:05 | 03:27 * |
Udveg | 03:27 | 04:49 * |
Shubh | 04:49 | 06:11 * |