What type of character is Zanni?
stock servant character
zanni, plural zanni or zannis, stock servant character in the Italian improvisational theatre known as the commedia dell’arte. Zanni were valet buffoons, clowns, and knavish jacks-of-all-trades. All possessed common sense, intelligence, pride, and a love of practical jokes and intrigue.
What is Capitano personality?
Capitano, stock character of the Italian commedia dell’arte. He was the prototype of a pretentious but cowardly military man. One of the earliest of the commedia characters, he was a descendant of the Miles Gloriosus, the braggart soldier of ancient Roman comedy.
What did the Zanni do?
Zanni was a character of the comic theater of the ancient Rome later became mask of the Commedia dell’Arte. He represents the figure of the servant with coarse and instinctual ways of doing often related to sex and hunger.
Is Brighella a Zanni?
Originally one of the comic servants, or zanni, of the commedia, Brighella was a jack-of-all-trades whose loyalty as a soldier, hangman’s varlet, assassin, or gentleman’s valet could be easily bought. Because of his almost sentimental view of love, though, the young lovers could trust him.
How does Il Capitano walk?
His back is straight, and he prances with a bounce in his step. All of his walks are very showy and as a result, quite slow. Il Capitano’s run is prompted by any loud sound, scary object or from being overwhelmed. When this happens, he drops everything, throws his head back, kicks his feet forward and howls is fear.
How does Il Capitano move?
Il Capitano’s run is prompted by any loud sound, scary object or from being overwhelmed. When this happens, he drops everything, throws his head back, kicks his feet forward and howls is fear. Just like in his walk, he picks his legs up high, but puts them down close to where they started.
What does Il Capitano look like?
Il Capitano is a yellow-belly, there is no doubt about it. He always finds some silly reason to justify why he cannot do what he has promised. When he is frightened, he runs on the spot, head thrown back, arms in the air, kicking his feet and howling piteously.
What did the Zanni mask look like?
In the early days of Commedia dell’Arte, the Zanni mask used in the theatre was a full face mask with a long nose. It developed from here into a half mask covering the upper half of the face only with an extended, long nose. The longer the nose on the mask, then the more stupid was the character.
What body part does Il Capitano lead with?
Il Capitano- Il Capitano leads with his chest, boasting and waving his sword around. He is of high status, and stands with his feet planted apart, in order to occupy maximum space. Il Dottore- Proud of his knowledge, Il Dottore waddles around huffing and puffing and tapping his large belly.
Why does Il Capitano have a long nose?
Which Mask did Il Capitano Wear? Il Capitano is depicted with two different masks. One looks rather stern and menacing, with a long phallic nose and large holes for the eyes. The overly large nose represents manliness, to emphasise his virility and machismo.
Is Il Capitano a master or a servant?
Arlecchino (‘Harlequin’) A tricky servant, usually to Pantalone, but also frequently Il’ Capitano, or Il’ Dottore. He was the second zanni if Brighella or Pasquariello were in the company, otherwise he was the most important.
How does Il Capitano stand?
Stance. He stands in a high posture, occupying as much space as possible, with a straight back and his chest pushed forward .
What did Zanni wear?
Costume and mask The Zanni’s costume usually consists of white baggy clothing. This clothing was traditionally made out of flour sacks. This was similar to the dress of peasants and farmworkers of the time. A specific type of Zanni, Brighella, wore accents of green to indicate his tricky and devious nature.