What was Geraldton temperature today?
Latest Weather Observations for Geraldton Airport
Date/Time WST | Temp °C | Wind |
Gust km/h | ||
07/04:30pm | 19.8 | 11 |
07/04:00pm | 21.4 | 24 |
07/03:30pm | 22.4 | 20 |
How hot was it in Geraldton yesterday?
Geraldton Weather History for the Previous 24 Hours
Conditions | Comfort | |
Time | Temp | Humidity |
2:00 pm | 67 °F | 58% |
1:00 pm | 67 °F | 56% |
12:00 pm | 66 °F | 63% |
How much rain has Geraldton had?
Geraldton Airport Rainfall Reports
date | rain to 9am | interval |
mm | hours | |
July 2011-2021 Average Total | 67.1 | 13.9 day(s) |
July 2011-2021 Wettest Total | 128.8 | 2016 |
July 2011-2021 Wettest 24hr Total | 48.8 | 17th 2016 |
How cold does Geraldton get?
In Geraldton, the summers are short, hot, and dry; the winters are cool; and it is windy and mostly clear year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 51°F to 87°F and is rarely below 44°F or above 100°F.
Is Geraldton in a cyclone area?
The wind region encompassing towns including Geraldton and Kalbarri should be reclassified as cyclonic, an investigation into cyclone Seroja has found.
Why is Geraldton windy?
Given Geraldton is directly downwind from Southgates sand dunes, surrounded by broadacre farming, and has a busy port in the middle of town, dust is an obvious culprit. Moreover, Geraldton is right on the coast and is so windy the trees grow sideways, so a decent percentage of the particles in the air are sea salt.
When was the last cyclone in WA?
Flash-flooding was reported from Carnarvon to Geraldton. The storm crossed the coast on 21 May, the latest known date of landfall for a tropical cyclone in Australia….Australian tropical cyclone. intensity scale.
Category | Sustained winds | Gusts |
Four | 86–107 kt 158–198 km/h | 122–151 kt 226–280 km/h |
What is the windiest city in Western Australia?
Perth has a hot-summer Mediterranean climate. It is the windiest city in Australia. It is also considered to be the third windiest capital city in the world.
What is it like living in Geraldton?
It has a fantastic foreshore, beautiful beaches, and nice friendly people. There is a lot to see and do here and if you make the effort to put yourself out there you will make friends. There is some lovely little cafes and you can get a really decent meal in some of the pubs.
Where is Geraldton water from?
The town water supplies for Geraldton, Dongara, Port Denison, Walkaway and Narngulu come from Water Corporation bores that are screened in the multi- layered aquifer of the Yarragadee Formation. The aquifer is recharged by direct infiltration of rainfall and by infiltration of surface water along drainage lines.
Is Australia’s water clean?
Drinking water quality in Australia is high by world standards, considering that globally more than one billion people still do not have access to safe drinking water.