What were the recommendations of the Francis report?
The report makes 290 recommendations, including: openness, transparency and candour throughout the health care system (including a statutory duty of candour), fundamental standards for health care providers. improved support for compassionate caring and committed care and stronger health care leadership.
What did the Francis report change?
The Health Secretary highlighted a number of changes since the Francis Inquiry, including: An extra 2,400 hospital nurses hired since the Francis report, with over 3,300 more nurses working on NHS hospital wards and 6,000 more clinical staff overall since May 2010.
What was the Francis report about?
The Francis Report was published based on a public inquiry into poor care at the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust. The report examined what led to poor standards of care at the hospital, unnecessary patient deaths and why the warning signs of serious failings were not recognised.
How do I cite the Francis report 2013?
Francis R (2013) Report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry. London: The Stationery Office. Keogh B (2013) Review into the quality of care and treatment provided by 14 hospital trusts in England: overview report. London: NHS England.
What were the failings at Mid Staffordshire?
These concerns led to a series of reports, undertaken by different bodies, which all found widespread evidence of significant failures in care, including: patients being left in soiled bedding. patients not given ready access to food and water. chronic staff shortages.
How do you remember the six Cs?
Sam Wallace, 32, who studies at Bradford University, is behind a single to promote the ‘6Cs’ of quality healthcare – care, compassion, competence, communication, courage and commitment. The NHS hopes that his catchy song helps countless others remember the 6Cs.
How did the Francis report change the NHS?
The improvements led by NHS England over the past year include: Launching the Friends and Family Test, first in all inpatient wards and A&E units, and now in all maternity services, to gather real-time patient feedback on which hospitals can take immediate action to improve their patients’ experiences.
What is the Francis report likely to focus on?
It will also focus on the culture of the NHS and the impact that has on the ability of staff to raise concerns. 7. What is the Francis report likely to recommend? Mr Francis gave a good idea of the broad areas he would make recommendations on during the final day of the public inquiry.
What did Francis’s first report say about the NHS?
In his first report, Mr Francis specifically criticised the trust for being obsessed with obtaining foundation trust status and meeting targets rather than patient care.
What does the Francis report mean for the NMC?
The Francis report made 290 recommendations and new proposals have been made by others. Much of the work to be done by the NMC had already started before the report’s publication, and is very much in line with our existing plans for improvement.
What does the Francis report say about nutrition and hydration?
The Francis Report sadly highlights all too well that nutrition and hydration is still not being recognised as an essential part of an individual’s recovery from illness in hospital.