Which incident turned Doctor Bruce Banner into the Hulk?
Following his accidental exposure to gamma rays while saving the life of Rick Jones during the detonation of an experimental bomb, Banner is physically transformed into the Hulk when subjected to emotional stress, at or against his will.
When did Bruce Banner meet Natasha Romanoff?
In 2012, Banner is working as a doctor in Calcutta when he is approached by S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Natasha Romanoff, who recruits him to help trace the Tesseract through its gamma radiation emissions. Going with Romanoff, Banner is introduced to Steve Rogers and S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury.
What is Hulk greatest weakness?
Originally Answered: What is The Incredible Hulk’s weakness? Self control. The Hulk is an aspect of Bruce Banner. A split personality that is derived from the fact that Bruce was abused by his father most of his life.
Why did Bruce leave Natasha?
The romance between Bruce and Natasha fizzled out after “Age of Ultron,” mainly because Bruce/Hulk went flying into space and teamed up with Chris Hemsworth’s Thor in 2017’s “Thor: Ragnarok.” MCU fans expected Bruce’s return to earth in “Infinity War” and his reunion with Natasha to resurface the fan-favorite storyline …
How does the Hulk describe Thor’s fire?
Hulk like raging fire. Thor like smoldering fire.” Perfection!
Why did Dr Banner have to be so angry to turn?
Later in the movie there was a scene where Dr. Banner was entering into the battle as himself and the other’s were worried that he needed to turn into The Hulk first. The insinuation was that he needed to get angry first to make the transformation. Dr. Banner smiled back at them and said that the secret to his control is that he is always angry.
Did you notice Banner’s wisdom in the Avengers?
I have long been a fan of The Hulk, but I had not noticed the incredible wisdom of Dr. David Banner until The Avengers movie made it clear. In his wisdom about managing rage he grasps the secret to managing depression and mania too. In one brief statement he captured the greatest flaw in the current paradigm about treating bipolar.
What is the secret to banner’s transformation?
The insinuation was that he needed to get angry first to make the transformation. Dr. Banner smiled back at them and said that the secret to his control is that he is always angry. It was a pretty funny line, but the implications for treating bipolar are profound.