Which oil is used in transformers?
Mineral oil and Synthetic oil are the majorly used transformer oil. These are the petroleum products, like Naphthenic based transformer oil and Paraffinic based transformer oil. Naphthenic based transformer oils are known for their heat distribution, which is one of the main problems with transformer.
What is the price of 335 transformer oil?
ELECTROL Transformer Oil (IS:335), Packaging Type: Can, Grade: Is 335, Rs 100/liter | ID: 13740938191.
What is naphthenic transformer oil?
Naphthenic oils contain aromatic compounds which remain fluid at comparatively low temperatures such as -40°C. – In India, Naphthenic based Transformer oil is used in spite of its high pour point. High Pour point does not cause any problem because of hot climate of India.
What is the Colour of transformer oil?
Generally, oil that is yellow, orange, or even somewhat red in color is fresher and will work as intended. As oil ages, it transforms to a brown or black color and its efficacy diminishes.
Why oils are used in transformer?
What is transformer oil? Transformer oil is used to insulate high-voltage electrical infrastructure such as transformers, capacitors, switches and circuit breakers. Transformer oils are designed to operate effectively at very high temperatures, cooling, insulating, and stopping corona discharges and arcing.
Is 335 transformer oil viscosity?
What is the difference between paraffinic and naphthenic oil?
The differences between these different types of oils are not clear-cut, but mainly depend on the predominant hydrocarbon types in the oil. Paraffinic oil, for example, contains primarily higher alkanes, whereas naphthenic oils have a high share of cyclic alkanes in the mixture.
What is naphthenic oil used for?
MaxNap naphthenic base oils offer high solvency, low pour points, and good color characteristics that are perfect for a wide range of applications including metalworking fluids, grease, adhesives, printing inks, and transformer oils.
How many types of transformer oil are there?
two main types
There are two main types of transformer oil used today: Paraffin-based transformer oil and naphtha-based transformer oil.
What is IEC standard for transformer?
IEC 60076-24:2020 applies to medium power transformers from 25 kVA up to 3 150 kVA with highest voltage for equipment up to 36 kV, or in low voltage (LV) networks with highest voltage for equipment of up to 1,1 kV equipped with voltage regulating devices.
What is sk value of transformer oil?
S K Value is an index of degree of refining of oil measured by the reaction of oil sample with a volume of concentrated sulphuric acid. S K value measurement method was covered in Annexure D to IS:335 ‘Method of Determination of SK Value’.
What is the viscosity of transformer oil?
For example, the average value of transformer oil kinematic viscosity is (28-30)∙10-6 m2/s.
Does 335 transformer have oil properties?
Di-electric discipation factor (Tan Delta) @ 90° C, Max. 0.05mgKOH/g. Total Sludge value, Max. The oil shall not contain antioxidant additives.
What is naphthenic acid used for?
The major uses of naphthenic acids are as oil-soluble metal soaps for driers and other catalysts, wood preservatives, tire cord adhesion promoters, and in amine derivatives for corrosion inhibitors.
What are paraffinic oils and naphthenic oils?
Paraffinic oil has a high viscosity index which is good for engine oil but bad for transformers. The naphthenic oil will reach a lower viscosity meaning more oil circulation in the transformer and better cooling.
What is transformer oil?
Transformer oil are mineral electrical insulating oil prepare from specially refined and carefully selected base oil. . Powerlink Oil Refinery produces variety range of Transformer oil or Insulating oil from selected base oil which is highly refined mineral oil that is stable at high temperature.
How do you cool a large power transformer?
To improve cooling of large power transformers, the oil-filled tank may have external radiators through which the oil circulates by natural convection. Power transformers with capacities of thousands of kVA may also have cooling fans, oil pumps, and even oil-to-water heat exchangers.
What is the best alternative to mineral oil for Transformers?
Transformers are well equipped to keep water outside the oil for this reason. Pentaerythritol tetra fatty acid natural and synthetic esters have emerged as an increasingly common mineral oil alternative, especially in high-fire-risk applications such as indoors due to their high fire point, which can be over 300 °C. They are readily biodegradable.
What is the difference between a coolant and transformer oil?
A coolant is a fluid which flows through or around a device to prevent its overheating, transferring the heat produced by the device to other devices that use or dissipate it. Transformer oil are mineral electrical insulating oil prepare from specially refined and carefully selected base oil. .