Who is responsible for sidewalk repair in Nassau County NY?
NASSAU COUNTY The town is responsible for sidewalks. Residents can report sidewalk problems to the town’s 311 line. A report will be sent to the Sidewalk District staff and an inspector will determine whether short-term repair or replacement is needed.
Who is responsible for sidewalk repair in Town of Hempstead?
Of Long Island’s 13 townships, the Town of Hempstead, along with Oyster Bay, Babylon, Huntington and Islip, put the responsibility of sidewalk repairs on homeowners.
Does Town of Hempstead remove trees?
If a property owner wishes to hire a contractor to remove a tree located in the Town Right-of-Way or remove the tree themselves, they must apply for a Tree Permit. A fee of $25 is charged for a tree removal permit. Permits are not granted for the removal of healthy or growing trees.
Do you have to shovel your sidewalk Nassau County?
When it comes to snow and ice on your property, it’s necessary to shovel and make the area reasonably safe. The public sidewalk in front of your home or business doesn’t belong to you but is often owned by the City, Town, or Village in which you live.
Do you need a permit to remove a tree in Nassau County?
If a tree on residential property presents a danger to persons or property, as determined in documentation (Tree Risk Assessment Report) by an ISA certified arborist, a tree removal application is not required.
Do I need a permit to cut down a tree on my property in NY?
Any person, business, or contractor wishing to remove or perform work on or within 50 feet of a tree on New York City property is required to obtain a permit from Parks & Recreation.
How do you fix a crumbling sidewalk?
You can fix small sections like these, as well as spalling that’s less than ¼-inch deep and in just a few spots, using a concrete patch product, such as Quikrete’s Vinyl Concrete Patcher. Simply mix, trowel, and smooth Vinyl Patcher over the damaged areas to create a new level surface and clean edges.
What is the sidewalk test?
The sidewalk test is one way to know if you have unfinished business with someone. Yet, what exactly does this mean? Completing incomplete things from the past is about having conversations with the people in your life with whom you’re still angry/sad/appreciative/etc.
What happens if you don’t shovel your sidewalk?
Liability Issues: You Could Be Sued for Damages Municipal ordinances and fines aren’t the only reasons you need to shovel the snow off of your sidewalk. Leaving it there could also put you at risk of liability for damages if someone were to slip and fall.
Is it landlord’s responsibility to shovel snow?
As the landlord When it comes to the responsibility for snow removal for an investment property, the landlord is responsible unless otherwise stated in the lease agreement. Typically, snow removal will only fall on the tenant’s shoulders if they rent a single-family home, and a separate agreement should outline this.
Who is liable when a tree falls on a neighbor’s property New York?
Under New York law, a tree and its product are the sole property of the person on whose land it is situated. A landowner who has been put on notice of a tree’s defective condition, but takes no measures to abate the dangerous situation, will be liable for the foreseeable damages caused to an adjoining property.
Who is responsible for cutting overhanging tree branches New York?
178 (2nd Dept 1919). “Where a tree is located so near the line of an adjoining landowner that the branches overhang, the adjoining landowner may resort to self-help in the first instance, to cut off overhanging branches.” Zimmerman v. Fredericks, 2015 NY Slip Op 31991(U) (Rye City Ct., Westchester Co.)
How do you fix a chip in a sidewalk?
- Using a Chisel, Make the Crack Wider at the Bottom than the Top.
- Clean Out the Debris with a Stiff Fiber or Wire Brush.
- Fill the Crack with Patching Mix (also know as Vinyl Concrete)
- Address Any Pop-Outs.
- Wet the Surface and Apply a Concrete Bonding Agent.
- Pack a Small Amount of Anchoring Cement into the Hole.
How do you resurface a concrete sidewalk?
Fill the walkway joints with peel-and-stick foam weatherstripping, and dampen the concrete if necessary. The resurfacer is workable for about 20 minutes, so mix just half a bag of powder with 5½ cups of water at a time. That’s enough to cover two sidewalk slabs, or about 17 square feet. Pour it on the walk.