How do you make ALV report editable?
for the first requirement you have to write code in MPP and but to make alv coumns editable-> check the EDIT filed in layout.
How do you make a field editable in SAP ABAP?
You can make a field editable or uneditable by checking or unchecking the ENABLE button in the field(UIELEMENT). if you want to make it NON_EDITABLE make the attribute value to ‘0’ or ABAP_FALSE.
How do you make a column editable in SALV?
To make a column editable in the SALV (or indeed in CL_GUI_ALV_GRID) both the data in the table and the field catalogue have to be fiddled with. DATA: lo_salv_model TYPE REF TO cl_salv_model.
How do I display editable ALV report in ABAP?
- Step 1: Go to SE38 Tcode.
- Step 2: Enter the Title & select ‘Executable Program’ type in Attributes and then click on save.
- Step 3: Now enter the Package name in ‘Package’ Attribute and click on the button.
- Step 4: Select the TR and click on .
What is interactive ALV report in SAP ABAP?
Interactive ALV Report means: when the alv report displayed, you can use user command , such as double click on the row or a specific. field, then a new screen will be displayed.
What is Get_globals_from_slvc_fullscr?
GET_GLOBALS_FROM_SLVC_FULLSCR is a standard SAP function module available within R/3 SAP systems depending on your version and release level.
How do you make a table control editable in ABAP?
Steps to follow:
- Go to transaction se38 or se80 and create your program. Then create the screen(100) and GUI status.
- Go to transaction se11 and create data type for table control.
- Go to screen painter and create table control.
- Import the line type from DDIC.
- Set the table control properties and mark field.
How do you make a field editable in module pool?
Make particular cells editable. Your simple Loop at screen does not work. You will have to read the columns from your table control and then set the editable or non-editable attributes there. This you will have to do in PBO in Loop on internal table.
What is the difference between simple and an interactive ALV report?
Both are same except the way the output is shown. it depends on how the user needs the report. If you have too many fields to be displayed on the screen then normal report will show only 255 chars and the next chars will be shown in the next line.
How do you make a field non editable in SAP ABAP?
If the begin_date < sy-datum –> then the field ‘ name’ should not be editable. screen-active = ‘1’. screen-input = ‘0’. screen-output = ‘1’.
How do I make a row editable in a table control?
Go to the screen & place cursor on the table control fields… Go to the property of the field and untick the checkbox INPUT.
What is interactive ALV in SAP ABAP?
Why do we use interactive ALV why not ALV classical report?
Classical Report is used to display just the table data. It consist only single list. Interactive reports are reports where users can interact more means if we cliack on some field it will display one more list. In ALV reports SAP has provided some function modules to display output.
How many types of reports are there in SAP ABAP?
7 types of reports
In ABAP, there are a total of 7 types of reports.
What is the advantage of ALV?
With ALV you can give them an ABAP report that automatic popup with their own favorite excel book – without having to do a lot of troublesome and time consuming work to download the data and fit it into the excel sheet. If you are new to ALV you can very quick make a simple ALV report.
What is ALV format in SAP?
The SAP List Viewer (ALV) is an integrated element of the ABAP Objects programming environment . It allows application developers to quickly implement the display of structured datasets by providing three different ALV tools, one each for the display of: Simple and two-dimensional tables. Hierarchical-sequential lists.