What are the rights and duties of workers?
As a worker, it is your responsibility to: Follow all lawful employer safety and health rules and regulations, and wear or use required protective equipment while working. Report hazardous conditions to the employer. Report any job-related injury or illness to the employer, and seek treatment promptly.
What is Section 23 of the Constitution of South Africa?
23. (1) Everyone has the right to fair labour practices. (2) Every worker has the right— (a) to form and join a trade union; (b) to participate in the activities and programmes of a trade union; and (c) to strike.
What laws does South Africa have to protect workers?
The main employment law statutes of South Africa are the following: The Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 (LRA) [ NB: this law was amended in 2002. Text of the Labour Relations Amendment Act, 2002. The Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997 (BCEA).
What are rights and responsibilities of workers?
the right to speak up about work conditions. the right to say no to unsafe work. the right to be consulted about safety in the workplace. the right to workers compensation.
What are the three main labour laws in South Africa?
South Africa has three main labour laws, namely the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, the Labour Relations Act, and the Employment Equity Act.
What are the rights of being employed in South Africa?
One of the most important rights of being employed in South Africa is the right to organise. The constitution gives two very important rights to workers in South Africa about this: firstly, that every worker has the right to form and join a trade union and to participate in the union’s activities; and secondly, every worker has the right to strike.
Do workers have the right to strike in South Africa?
The constitution gives two very important rights to workers in South Africa about this: firstly, that every worker has the right to form and join a trade union and to participate in the union’s activities; and secondly, every worker has the right to strike.
What are the rights of an employee under the law?
Employees have certain general rights. These may not necessarily be entrenched in labour law, but come from basic human rights issues, the Constitution, common law and in some case, from legislation. To all the protection and benefits of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act.
What are the rights of an employee under the BCEA?
This means that the employee is entitled to inspect his/her personal file kept in HR to see what it contains. and every trade union representative (shop steward) has the right, at the request of an employee, to inspect any record kept in terms of the BCEA, that relates to the employment of that employee.