Who created rakghouls?
Sith Lord Karness Muur
The rakghoul plague was originally created by the Sith Lord Karness Muur. Muur was one of the Dark Jedi Exiles who were banished to the Sith-controlled world of Korriban, following their defeat at the Battle of Corbos which ended the Hundred-Year Darkness.
What do I do with rakghoul serum?
The player can, for 1000 credits, sell the rakghoul serum to Zax in the Lower City bounty office. If the player’s persuade skill is sufficiently high, they can convince Zax to pay 1500 credits instead.
How do you get infected by a rakghoul?
Get Infected by a Rakghoul The doctor provided you with some of the serum for protection and asked you to become infected by any rakghoul. Fight rakghouls as you travel across Taris and attempt to get infected.
What type of Jedi was Sorzus Syn?
the Dark Jedi
Learning the power of dark side alchemy, Syn became one of the top commanders in the Dark Jedi. During the war, she was a master summoner and developed a number of creatures, Shamblers, Howlers, Pit Horrors, and Leviathans, the latter which was used to break the barricades of the Jedi during a battle on Balmorra.
Will KOTOR Remake become canon?
It’s unclear if the KOTOR remake will be canon, but if it is, changes will have to be made to make it compatible with current Star Wars continuity.
How do I get the barnacle of the eyeless?
As an FYI, the Barnacle of the Eyeless is able to be traded, but it cannot be posted to the GTN for sale, therefore you must ask in general or trade to find a seller. They range in value from 300k to 800k credits. If you play on the Harbinger, I have several and I would be willing to part with one for 300k.
How do you cure rakghoul plague?
THORN acts as a quest giver for the Rakghoul Event, sending players into the Rakghoul nests to eradicate the source of the plague during the event. And this is done by fighting off the Rakghouls with blasters, lightsabers, explosives, and the Force as they eliminate the threat of the Rakghoul plague.
Are the GREY Jedi canon?
The actual term of “Gray Jedi” is not Canon.
What is a Rakghoul?
―Lord Vadus [src] Rakghouls were a type of Sith-spawned mutants, engineered by the Sith Lord Karness Muur. Desiring an army to rule over and seeking a way to cheat death as so many other Sith before and after him did, Muur forged a talisman that he poured his spirit and power into, one that eventually came to be known as the Muur Talisman.
Did any rakghouls survive the Great Galactic War?
During the Republic’s efforts to rebuild Taris around the time of the first Great Galactic War, it was discovered that a number of rakghouls had survived the bombardment.
What happened to the rakghouls on Taris?
Over time, the rakghouls were isolated on Taris and-possibly due in part to the serum Revan recovered-driven to extinction. But while the Muur Talisman remained, the threat of the rakghouls did as well.
Can the rakghouls’former personalities be restored?
Unfortunately, though, their former personalities could not be restored, as all that remained in the rakghouls was an imprint of who they had once been. “You said the rakghouls were caused by a plague—do you mean a disease?”