Does Lomi Lomi include private parts?
During lomi lomi your genitals are covered all the time and are not touched or massaged. ** if you can’t lie face down (because, for example, you are pregnant, or have some health issues preventing you from lying in this position) I will place you on your side or back.
What is sacred Lomi Massage?
Sacred Lomi is a traditional and spiritual based massage weaving together powerful teachings like the seven shamanic principles of huna (a Hawaiian philosophy centered on achieving harmony) into a complete system of hands on bodywork embracing the whole being: physical, emotional and energetic.
What is a Hawaiian full body massage?
Lomi lomi is a traditional Hawaiian massage that uses a combination of massage techniques, nut oils, and sometimes elements of prayer, breathing and dance to restore energy and soothe the body. It is also known as the ‘loving hands’ massage.
What happens during a Lomi Lomi massage?
The massage therapist makes use of the forearms and the hands in a fluid, rhythmic motion, massaging different parts of the body at the same time. This helps the client relax as the brain can’t focus on two different areas at once. By not working on areas in isolation, a deep sense of stability and peace is achieved.
Is Lomi Lomi massage painful?
There’s a lot of gentleness, love and care in this massage. No extra pain, no hard-core. Lomi lomi IS strong. Some of my clients compare it to a good workout.
What is a Californian massage?
The Californian massage is characterized by long, fluid and smooth movements that sculpt and envelop the body to allow the client to reclaim it and to become aware of it. During the care, the massage therapist, who acts has a reassuring presence, always stays in direct contact with the client.
What is the difference between lomi lomi and Kahuna?
Lomi lomi differs from kahuna bodywork in that it does not usually use oils and is primarily done on body sections rather than the entire body. Kahuna does however use certain elements of this style of massage.”
What can I expect from a Lomi Lomi Massage?
The Lomi Lomi massage therapy takes you to a state of relaxation and stillness that frees your mind from blockage and stabilizes the mind to face new possibilities. A cleansing process also takes place, releasing toxins, cleaning up the body, releasing body tension, healing pain and boosting the immune system.
Is the big kahuna offensive?
Big kahuna is an idiom that is derived from the native Hawaiian language. The word kahuna has gone through many variations in translation until it finally joined the English language in the middle of the twentieth century in the idiom the big kahuna, a term many Hawaiians find offensive.