Does Technics make good turntables?
If you want the best audio performance possible, and you have some money to spare, there’s nothing wrong with splashing your cash on a high-end turntable like the Technics SL-1210G or our current favorite, the Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Evo (which is admittedly, far cheaper).
Is Audio Technica the same as technics?
When you look at the Audio Technica turntables you would be forgiven for having to do a double take. Yes they do look eerily similar to the infamous Technics SL1200 turntables and there is a reason for this. Much of the Audio Technica turntables are put together in the same factories as the 1210’s.
What makes Technics 1200 turntables so good?
No other turntable has defined DJing like the Technics 1200. It’s design, performance, and durability are legendary. Here are some of its specific strengths: high quality construction, most parts are made of metal high torque, direct drive motor (magnetically driven)
Are Technics belt drive turntables any good?
Their belt drive systems are more cheaply made (as with the majority of mass marketed belt drive systems) and are inferior to their direct drive turntables. Another fantastic series of vintage Technics turntables was their linear tracking direct drive turntables.
What is a Technics SL-1×00 turntable?
There are a host of vintage Technics turntables with model numbers ‘SL-1×00’. The 1500s, 1600s and 1700s are all solid turntables that are essentially variations on the 1200 design. The pick of this series would have to be the 1700s.
Are vintage Technics turntables good for DJing?
The good news is that other members of the vintage Technics turntables series have components borrowed or influenced by the Technics SL-1200. The turntables may not add up to the same level for pure DJing, but for listening, they make excellent turntables. The Forgotten Vintage Technics Turntables