How do I apply for emergency housing in Houston TX?
To apply, contact or visit the management office of each apartment building that interests you. To apply for either type of help, visit your local Public Housing Agency (PHA). Questions? Email or call our Public and Indian Housing Information Resource Center toll-free at (800) 955-2232.
Does MD Anderson provide housing?
Matthew’s Miracle House provides reduced-cost housing to patients undergoing treatment and their family members. About half the patients are children treated at MD Anderson Children’s Cancer Hospital.
Where should I live near MD Anderson?
Nearby Neighborhoods
- Downtown.
- Midtown.
- Medical Center.
- Southwest Houston.
- Westchase.
- Montrose.
- Greenspoint.
- Willowbrook.
How do I find housing in Houston?
There are a number of online sites to help with your Houston apartment search, including,, and the HomeMe app.
Does MD Anderson help with lodging?
Patient Travel Services has access to MD Anderson airline, lodging and ground transportation discounts and rates. Hours: Weekdays, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Phone: 713-745-2300 or toll-free 888-848-9992 (8 a.m.-6 p.m.)
Is Houston good for healthcare?
Houston is known internationally as the home of one of the best medical communities in the world. That’s not surprising since the Texas Medical Center (TMC), the largest medical center in the world, is just 10 minutes from downtown Houston.
Does Houston have good healthcare?
Ask Houstonians what they like most about living in Houston, and chances are, one of the things they’ll mention is quality medical care. From the world-renowned Texas Medical Center south of downtown to fine community hospitals in outlying areas, Houston boasts medical facilities and expertise second to none.
Is the Section 8 waiting list open in Houston Texas?
The Section 8 Waiting List is currently closed.