How do I book a Thameside prison visit?
You can also contact the Prisoners’ Families Helpline on 0808 808 2003. You will not be able to book a visit using this number. Thameside is managed by Serco. For details on when and how to arrange visits, understand how the prison is run and how to get in contact, visit Thameside Prison.
What is a Category B prison in the UK?
Category B These prisons are either local or training prisons. Local prisons house prisoners that are taken directly from court in the local area (sentenced or on remand), and training prisons hold long-term and high-security prisoners.
What category prison is Belmarsh?
category A prison
Belmarsh is a category A prison in south-east London. While best known for its high security function, holding several prisoners on terrorism-related offences, it also operates as a local prison. When it opened in 1991, Belmarsh became the first adult male prison built in London since Wormwood Scrubs in 1874.
What are Category B prisoners?
Cat B – Prisoners for whom the very highest conditions of security are not necessary but for whom escape must be made very difficult. Cat C – Prisoners who cannot be trusted in open conditions but who have neither the resources nor the will to make a determined escape attempt.
What is the best prison in the UK?
The governor of England’s best jail – where inmates are called “residents” – has said its success is “all about” strong staff-inmate relationships.
How do I contact HMP Thameside?
If you are worried about your loved one while they are a resident at this prison, you can contact the Safer Custody team on 0208 317 5593 (from 10am – 5pm Monday to Friday only). You may be asked to leave a voicemail. Please make sure you include: Your name.
What is it like being on remand?
Most of those in custody on remand have been remanded and are awaiting trial, they have not been convicted of a criminal offence. Judges Remand is when a prisoner has been convicted and is waiting to be sentenced. A prisoner on judges remand will follow the same regime as a convicted and sentenced prisoner.
What happens if you are on remand?
Remand means that you will not be given bail and must stay in prison while your trial is going on.