Is law Justia trustworthy?
Justia is a well known and reputable company. As far as I know, they do not provide exclusivity in an attorney’s practice area, or geographic service area.
Is Justia an online database?
Justia is an American website specializing in legal information retrieval. It was founded in 2003 by Tim Stanley, formerly of FindLaw, and is one of the largest online databases of legal cases. The company is headquartered in Mountain View, California.
Is there a website to ask legal questions?
ABA Free Legal Answers is a website on which you can submit your questions about civil (non-criminal) legal issues and receive answers from pro bono lawyers in your state.
How much does Justia website cost?
Law firms with up to 3 lawyers get a great site for a set up fee of $199 + $80 per attorney plus $119 per month. For a couple lawyers the cost for a year is less than $1,700. For a law firm with more than 3 lawyers Justia charges a set up fee of $399 + $80 per attorney and $199 per month.
Where is justia from?
Mountain View, California
Justia is headquartered in Mountain View, California, and has offices in San Jose, San Francisco and Saltillo.
What is justia connect?
Justia Connect is our exclusive membership program created for legal professionals like you. Through Justia Connect, you are connected with resources and exclusive benefits to help you achieve your goals.
How do I remove my info from Justia?
If you want your information deleted from the Justia site, you should contact the court directly or hire an attorney to do so to petition the court to seal your information.
Where can I ask for advice online?
The 8 Best Sites to Get Good Free Advice Online
- 7 Cups. 7 Cups is an online advice site that aims to connects people who need to talk with caring listeners.
- Elder Wisdom Circle.
- FreeAdvice.
- r/advice.
- Ask a Manager.
- Fun Advice.
- TheAnswerBank.
- Hey, From the Future.
What is justia US law?
Justia US Law. Justia US Law. Offer free access to federal and state court decisions, codes, and regulations to understand your rights and your responsibilities when facing a variety of everyday legal issues and problems.
What is justia rating?
The Justia Lawyer Rating is based on the scores given to a lawyer by his or her reviewing peers. In addition to providing an overall rating for the attorney, each reviewer must also numerically rate the attorney on: Legal Knowledge.
What is Justia US Supreme court?
The law belongs to all of us, and Justia is proud to offer free access to federal and state court decisions, codes, and regulations. We also provide the full text of the Annotated US Constitution, as well as recent dockets and selected case filings from the US federal district and appellate courts.
What is justia US Supreme court?
What are justia patents?
Patents are property rights granted to an inventor in order to exclude others from making, using, selling, or importing a particular invention.
What databases do paralegals use?
So, read the fine print when vetting out sites for your paralegal work.
- Lexis Web. Lexis Web allows new users free access to its legal research databases.
- Fastcase. Fastcase is one of the best legal research websites.
- CaseMaker X.
- State Statutes.
- United States Code.
- Code of Federal Regulations.
- Google Scholar.
- Find Law.
Is there an advice app?
So if you think you’ve been talking ad nauseam about your relationship issue to people you know in real life and could use some unsolicited, unbiased advice, why not try Agonyapp? Plus, it’s FREE. You can use the app via iOS or Android.
How can I get some advice?
Stop asking, ‘Can I pick your brain? ‘ Harvard researchers say this is how successful people ask for advice
- Start with a positive tone.
- Identify the type of advice you’re seeking.
- Come prepared with specific details.
- Ask the right person.
- Don’t ask everyone.
- Don’t assume you already know the answers.
- Be grateful.