What did river tell the doctor in A Good Man Goes to War?
River explains that in the Gamma Forests they don’t have a word for “Pond,” since “the only water in the forest is the river”. She tells them “The Doctor will find your daughter and he will care for her whatever it takes.
What happens when a good man goes to war?
Night will fall and drown the sun, when a good man goes to war. Friendship dies and true love lies, night will fall and the dark will rise, when a good man goes to war.”
Who is the girl in A Good Man Goes to War?
Karen Gillan
The episode follows the cliffhanger of “The Almost People”, which reveals Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) had been operating a Flesh duplicate of herself and is in fact held in a remote location and about to give birth.
Why is it called demons run?
Etymology. The etymology for the asteroid’s name, according to Dorium Maldovar, came from the saying, “Demons run when a good man goes to war,” possibly hinting at the battle of Demon’s Run. The following poem also used the saying: Demons run when a good man goes to war.
What are the Headless Monks?
The Headless Monks, also known as the Order of the Headless, were a religious order who believed in listening to their hearts rather than their minds, to the point of having themselves beheaded.
What episode do we find out river is Amy’s daughter?
A Good Man Goes to War
In “A Good Man Goes to War”, it is revealed that River is Amy and Rory’s daughter Melody (Harrison and Maddison Mortimer), who was conceived in the TARDIS while it was in the Time Vortex and consequently carries Time Lord DNA.
Who said the only water in the forest is the river?
Iris told it to roary before she found the word alive so the water might be lifeso the rephrase. the only life in the forest is the river. this could be reffering to the library ‘forest of the dead’ meaning the only life in the library is river song.
Who was Madame Kovarian?
Madame Kovarian was an associate of the religious movement the Silence, representing the Kovarian Chapter.