What did the Polynesians carry on their canoes?
These canoes could be as large as 50-60 feet in length and carry two dozen people, food, livestock, and crop materials. Polynesians traveled thousands of miles exploring and settling on different islands.
Which plant did the Polynesians take their new islands?
The Lapita people may have been able to exist for months on remote Pacific islands living on wild birds and seafood, but the success of any long-term settlement would have necessitated transporting crop plants, such as taro and yam, as well as domestic animals.
What type of canoes did the Polynesians use?
Polynesians made contact with nearly every island within the vast Polynesian Triangle, using outrigger canoes or double-hulled canoes. The double-hulled canoes were two large hulls, equal in length, and lashed side by side.
What did Polynesian bring with them?
At the minimum, they would bring young specimens of taro, coconuts, yams, sweet potatoes, bananas and breadfruit trees for food. In some cases, they would bring wauke, a mulberry relative whose bark they used to make bark cloth, or kapa.
What is a Polynesian canoe called?
Nowadays popularized by the Moana Disney movie, the Polynesian outrigger canoe is known in French Polynesia under its maohi name : “va’a”. Cunningly intended for long travels, it is made of a beam connected to the hull thanks to two wooden arms, which contribute to provide steadiness.
How did Polynesians store water?
Water was carried in gourds and sections of bamboo and stored along with drinking coconuts wherever space or ballast needs dictated.
What plants were important to the Polynesians?
The major native crops were yams (Dioscorea species), taro (Colocasia esculenta), breadfruit (Artocarpus communis), bananas (Musa species), sugarcane (Saccharum species), coconuts (Cocos nucifera), and Tahitian chestnuts (Inocarpus edulis).
What plants did Polynesians bring to NZ?
The Polynesian ancestors of Māori introduced kūmara (sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas) to New Zealand in the 13th century. They also brought other tropical food plants for cultivation, including taro, hue (bottle gourd), uwhi (yam), and tī pore (a tropical variety of cabbage tree).
How did Polynesians get fresh water?
If a canoe encountered or could seek out a rain squall, water supplies could be supplemented by collecting water as it ran off the sail; if water was critically short people could temporarily subsist on the moisture found in the flesh of freshly caught fish, turtles, sharks and other marine organisms.
What plants did the Māori bring to New Zealand?
The ancestors of the Māori brought edible plants from their homelands, including kūmara, yams, taro and tī pore (Cordyline fruticosa), a species of cabbage tree.
What is a Hawaiian canoe called?
Kai ‘Opua – Our Canoes The outrigger canoe (Hawaiian: wa’a; Filipino and Indonesian: bangka; Maori: waka ama; Tahitian and Samoan:va’a) is a type of canoe featuring one or more lateral support floats known as outriggers, which are fastened to one or both sides of the main hull.
What do they call Hawaiian canoes?
The outrigger canoe–in Hawaiian it is called a waʻa (vah-ah)–is a type of canoe featuring one or more lateral support floats known as outriggers which are fastened to one or both sides of the main hull.
How did Polynesian sailors get fresh water?
How do islands without rivers get fresh water?
Islands tend to get all their fresh groundwater from rainfall. So islands like those in the southern Bahamas, which mostly have lakes already and lose more water to evaporation than they take in from rain, could face a real problem. “Arid regions are going to get substantial losses of fresh water,” says Gulley.
What were the canoe plants of Hawaii?
24 Canoe Plants
- Kalo (Taro) Kalo!
- Kamani (Alexandrian Laurel) Luau leaf (from the kalo/taro plant) in the middle.
- Ki (Ti) Ti is the name of the plant, and we use this plant mostly for the leaf, which we call the Ti Leaf.
- Ko (Sugar Cane)
- Kou Kukui (Candlenut)
- Mai`a (Banana)
- Milo (Portia Tree)
- Niu (Coconut)
What plants and animals did Polynesians introduced to Hawaii?
When the Polynesians arrived on the islands 1,200 to 1,600 years ago, they brought with them a number of plant and animal species, including taro, sugarcane, coconut palm, pigs, and chickens. The arrival of European colonizers over the past 200 years greatly accelerated the rate of introduction of alien species.
What animals and plants did the Māori bring to New Zealand?
When Pākehā (European) settlers arrived in New Zealand. These crops included wheat, potatoes, maize, carrots, cabbage and other vegetables. Māori also began raising sheep, pigs, goats and poultry.
What did Polynesian sailors eat?
Polynesian Expansionists—A Penchant for Protein For protein, they relied on freshly caught fish, crustaceans, and octopuses—if they didn’t catch much, they sometimes slaughtered the pigs, dogs, and chickens they were transporting for breeding stock in new territory.
What did Polynesians eat?
In addition to bananas and coconuts, the Polynesians brought taro, a root fromwhich poi is made; plantain, the starchy cooking banana; breadfruit, a globe-like fruit that is eaten cooked; yams; and sugarcane. For meat, the Polynesians brought along pigs, dogs and possibly chickens.
What crops did Polynesians bring with them to NZ?
They were:
- kūmara (sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas)
- hue (bottle gourd, Lagenaria siceraria)
- aute (paper mulberry, Broussonetia papyrifera)
- taro (Colocasia esulenta)
- uwhi (yam, Dioscorea species)
- tī pore (Pacific cabbage tree, Cordyline fruticosa).