What does koto ga aru mean in Japanese?
Learn Japanese grammar: たことがある (ta koto ga aru). Meaning: to have done something before.
What is koto ga Arimasu in Japanese?
Just remember that KOTO GA ARIMASU KA means “Have you ever…”. And that the verb in the BLUE portion above must always be the informal past tense verb or as we call it on YesJapan.com the TA FORM. HOWEVER there are times when you can change that TA FORM into other forms but then the entire sentence changes meaning.
What is koto ga in Japanese?
1) Using “koto” as its dictionary definitions of “thing,” “matter,” “incident,” “circumstance,” etc. “Koto” can be used in a variety of situations to generally mean “thing(s).” For example: する事がありません。 Suru koto ga arimasen.
How do you use koto ni Suru?
Learn Japanese grammar: ことにする (koto ni suru) / ことにします (koto ni shimasu). Meaning: to decide on. This is used to express what one has decided on of their own will. Add it after a verb to say that’s what you’ve decided on.
How do you use koto ga Dekimasu?
To this, you add KOTO GA DEKIMASU. So, you say WATASHI WA IKU KOTO GA DEKIMASU (I can go / Literally, I can do the thing of going). To turn this into a negative, you change DEKIMASU to DEKIMASEN. So, “I can’t go” is WATASHI WA IKU KOTO GA DEKIMASEN.
What is IRU and ARU?
The Japanese Verbs Iru & Aru: To Be. In Japanese, the verb aru is used to signify the existence of something, while the verb iru is used to signify the existence of someone. They shouldn’t be used interchangeably, even though they both mean, “to be”, or “exist”.
What does no koto mean?
“no koto” and “ni tsuite” mean: about/regarding. For example: About myself = ore no koto. I want to tell you about my work =
How do you use koto and no in Japanese?
In English, you can express even adjectives as a noun by using “being” such as “being good.” In Japanese, you can also express adjectives as a noun by using の and こと….I-adjective: Adding の・こと
危 あぶ ない の・こと は | 楽 たの しくない(です) |
Adjective treated Noun: Topic/Subject | Predicate |
Being dangerous is not fun. |
What is GA Dekimasu?
You can express ability or potential if you use the dictionary form of verbs, and attach to it KOTO GA DEKIMASU (can do / Literally, can do the thing of). Let’s make a sentence, using KOTO GA DEKIMASU. When you say “I can go,” “I” is WATASHI. “To go” is IKIMASU.