What does will to power mean Nietzsche?
1 : the drive of the superman in the philosophy of Nietzsche to perfect and transcend the self through the possession and exercise of creative power. 2 : a conscious or unconscious desire to exercise authority over others.
What did Nietzsche mean the will to power is the will to life?
In this way Nietzsche’s theory outshines Schopenhauer’s ‘Will to Live’. Nietzsche is saying here that Will to Power is a force, which does not need another force to make it act. When we look at a normal external force, we generally see it as a thing that makes an event happen.
Did Nietzsche write will to power?
The Will to Power (German: Der Wille zur Macht) is a book of notes drawn from the literary remains (or Nachlass) of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche by his sister Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche and Peter Gast (Heinrich Köselitz).
What does Nietzsche say about will to truth?
Nietzsche gives the name “will to truth” to a set of commitments over and above the claim that truth exists, namely that it is always better for human beings to know the truth, in every domain of life; that the way we discover the truth is through careful discovery and honest interpretation of evidence; and that truth …
What for Nietzsche is the relationship between the will to power and philosophy?
The “will to power” is a central concept in the philosophy of 19th-century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. It is best understood as an irrational force, found in all individuals, that can be channeled toward different ends.
Will to power Theory?
What is Nietzsche’s will to power?
The will to power is one of the most fundamental concepts in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. It is also one of his most complex concepts as it was never systematically defined in his works, leaving its interpretation open to debate.
Who was Friedrich Nietzsche?
Read all about Nietzsche and the will to power in this article! Friedrich Nietzsche was one of the most important philosophers of the nineteenth century, along with other prominent figures such as Sigmund Freud and Karl Marx.
What does Nietzsche mean by life worth nothing?
For Nietzsche, any will to power that doesn’t intend to expand to conserve is just a life worth nothing: what we currently understand by nihilism (the word nihilism comes from the Latin nihil, undefined pronoun meaning nothing ). It might interest you…
What did Nietzsche say about settling for what you have?
According to Nietzsche, if we settle for what we have at the moment and don’t try to expand it, we’ll die (in a metaphorical sense, meaning our will to power will be petrified). Now, where does the truth lie, then?