What happens if you spare Gaspards life?
With this option, players absolutely cannot choose to spare Gaspard. Doing so, rather than requesting Briala be rewarded, will result in Outcome 1 instead, with Celene ruling alone. In this case, the Inquisition can decide Gaspard would be a better ruler for Orlais with a fairer claim to the throne.
How do you get Celene and Briala together?
There is an opportunity to reunite Celene and Briala, but in order to do so, you must open this door and loot a locket. If you don’t have enough statues yet and want this outcome, then make sure you come back here when you grab another statue to unlock this door.
What happens if Gaspard becomes emperor?
If he becomes Emperor, Gaspard will aid the Inquisition in displacing an influential Orlesian noble who was smuggling Red lyrium and was in fact working for Corypheus. Gaspard also offers Ser Michel de Chevin a full pardon for any prior crimes and a place among Gaspard’s Honour Guard.
Can you support both leliana and Cassandra?
There is no war table operation to support Leliana’s candidacy, so leave the operations to support Vivienne or Cassandra open/uncompleted until the endgame. Your choices with Leliana in her personal quest and throughout the game will change her demeanor in the epilogue.
Who should lead Orlais?
What’s best for Orlais is probably to have either Gaspard or Celene rule alone.
How do you blackmail Celene?
If you want to blackmail Briala and Celene with their love affair, be sure to show Briala and Fleur the elven locket. Head to the vestibule. After collecting the items, go towards the trophy room and eavesdrop on the conversation between the guards. Approach the guards and encourage them to go and talk to Cullen.
Who is the traitor in wicked eyes and wicked hearts?
“No dances for Corypheus.” “I got some information.” “Gaspard is the traitor.”
What did Briala do?
Where did the revenge end and the revolution begin, for Briala? After she let Gaspard live, after all, she took over a network of eluvians (ancient Elven mirrors that allow for instant travel over vast distances), inaugurating a spy network and rebellion that actively prolonged the bloody civil war Briala started.
Did Cullen have a crush on the warden?
In Origins, he has a really creepy crush on a female mage Warden, who he refers to as a thing he can’t have and essentially blames her for his crush. (He’s still weirdly into her 10 years later too.)
How do you know if Leliana is hardened?
How To Tell If It Worked? The easiest way to tell if Leliana is hardened or softened is whether or not she let Natalie go; if you hadn’t selected enough of the correct dialogue responses in previous conversations, Leliana may kill Natalie even if you told her to spare her — this will mean she’s hardened.
Who becomes the next divine?
There are three potential candidates for the role of the next Divine: Leliana, Cassandra, and Vivienne, if players chose to recruit her. While it might seem like the result of who becomes the Divine is inconsequential as it is right at the end of the game, the consequences will likely echo in Dragon Age 4.
What can I do with Grand Duchess Florianne?
Expose Florianne with the help of 85+ Court Approval before detaining or executing her. Wait for her to kill Celene resulting in her death and a battle with Florianne. (If this happens, then there is a chance that Gaspard will take over and rule as Emperor.) Openly attack her thus saving Celene and fighting Florianne.
Should I warn Celene?
It’s pointless to warn Celene of the forthcoming assassination attempt, so just keep your cool for now. If you are a human rogue or warrior, for the first dialogue choice, choose the top option to receive +10 approval, if not, choose the middle option for +5 approval.
Did Briala help Gaspard?
Even is Briala holds power over him, there’s only so much influence she exert onto Gaspard, and it wouldn’t be surprising if Gaspard ended up plotting to kill her or hire assassins. When Briala becomes Marquis, she gains an official title for the Elves in the politics of Orlais, granting them more representation.
Who can you marry in trespasser?
Sera And Cullen In Sera’s romance, she proposes to the Inquisitor in Trespasser and the two can get married quickly right then and there, with Sera in a white dress.
Why do Templars take Lyrium?
While mages use lyrium in their arcane spells and rituals, templars ingest the primordial mineral to enhance their abilities to resist and dispel magic. It is also said that the substance gives them boldness and empowerment.