What is Akibaranger?
Akibaranger tells the story of three people being part of an otaku club and living in the new “Electric-Town” Akihabara. They have to fight a mysterious malevolent entity that swore to conquer Earth with cool gadgets created by a brilliant genius. However, the Akibarangers’ ultimate goal is to become an “official” sentai team.
What happened to the Akibarangers in Super Sentai?
Bailed out to the real world, the Akibarangers are informed by Hiroyo that the entire Super Sentai Series franchise was altered to become the “Super Malseena Series” instead, with each series ending with the Sentai heroes defeated by the villains led by Malseena, transforming Himitsukichi into a memorial service for them.
Where is the Akibaranger’s secret base?
The Akibaranger’s secret base/hideout is a “Sentai Cafe,” a Super Sentai version of the popular maid cafes in Japan. As Super Sentai fanboy Akagi Nobuo, age 29, is hard at work in Akihabara, a woman named Hiroyo Hakase appears before him and asks him to “become Akiba Red!”
Are the Akibarangers still alive?
After Akagi and company reminisce about the events of the second season, it is revealed that the Akibarangers are still dead and after bidding farewell to Hiroyo and KozuKozu, they are called back to heaven by Yellow Four I, Time Fire, and Abare Killer.
Who is the fourth member of the Akibarangers?
The Akibarangers are first visited by famous idol Shôko Nakagawa who forces her way into the group as their fourth member. Error: please try again. The Akibarangers do battle with the Jakanja and Gouraigers, all while Nobuo wants to be part of the current “VS thing” and Super Hero Taisen movie.
Who do the Akibarangers do battle with?
The Akibarangers do battle with the Jakanja and Gouraigers, all while Nobuo wants to be part of the current “VS thing” and Super Hero Taisen movie. Error: please try again.