What is systematic desensitization used for?
Systematic desensitization therapy is a type of behavioral therapy used to treat anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), phobias, and a fear of things like snakes or spiders.
What is systematic desensitization based on?
Systematic desensitization is a form of exposure therapy developed by Joseph Wolpe in 1958. Based on reciprocal inhibition, it posits that an individual cannot be relaxed and anxious simultaneously. A hierarchy of the patient’s fears is developed.
What is systematic desensitization include an example?
Systematic desensitization is a behavioral technique whereby a person is gradually exposed to an anxiety-producing object, event, or place while being engaged in some type of relaxation at the same time in order to reduce the symptoms of anxiety. For example, a very common phobia is the fear of flying.
What is systematic desensitization quizlet?
Systematic Desensitization. A technique for treating phobias that involves successively pairing RELAXATION with IMAGINED PHOBIC images along a continuum that starts with with LEAST FEARED IMAGE and progresses to the MOST FEARED IMAGE. Giving a speech.
How does systematic desensitization help with phobias?
Systematic desensitization involves exposing phobic individuals to fear-evoking images and thoughts (i.e., imaginal exposure) or to actual phobic stimuli, while pairing the exposure with relaxation (or another response that is incompatible with fear) to decrease the normal fear response.
What are the main components of systematic desensitisation?
There are three critical components to systematic desensitisation:
- Fear hierarchy.
- Relaxation training.
- Reciprocal inhibition.
Which of the following is true of systematic desensitization therapy?
Which of the following statements is true of systematic desensitization? It employs deep muscle relaxation to combat the effects of anxiety. Systematic desensitization is a behavioral treatment for phobias that involves pairing relaxation with a succession of stimuli that elicit increasing levels of fear.
Which of the following is a feature of systematic desensitization therapy?
D.) Systematic desensitization involves identifying anxiety producing stimuli, learning how to relax, and then using relaxation to cope with a progressive series of anxiety-provoking stimuli. Kyla is afraid of spiders.
Which of the following is a feature of systematic desensitization therapy quizlet?
Which of the following is a feature of systematic desensitization therapy? The client is made to relax while visualizing a series of anxiety-provoking stimuli.
What are the three processes involved in systematic desensitisation?
How effective is systematic desensitisation?
Systematic desensitization is highly effective where the problem is a learned anxiety of specific objects/situations, e.g. phobias (McGrath et al., 1990). However, systematic desensitization is not effective in treating serious mental disorders like depression and schizophrenia.
Which of the following is true about systematic desensitization?
What are the effects of desensitization?
While desensitization can be beneficial for your mental health, it can also be detrimental. If you become desensitized to violence or death, you could become less sensitive to others’ suffering, lose the ability to empathize, or start to behave in more aggressive ways.
Which of the following statements is true of systematic desensitisation?
Which of the following most accurately describes the process of systematic desensitization?
Which of the following accurately describes the process of systematic desensitization? Teaching relaxation; creating a hierarchy of triggers; working up the hierarchy until client no longer experiences anxiety in association with the trigger.
How does systematic desensitization help anxiety?
Systematic desensitization for anxiety can help break the cycle of worry by teaching relaxation strategies and exposing a person to the situation that they fear. This is done gradually so that a patient can slowly learn to cope with their fear. This process helps to break down the conditioned fear response slowly.
What is meant by desensitization?
1 : to make (a sensitized or hypersensitive individual) insensitive or nonreactive to a sensitizing agent. 2 : to make emotionally insensitive or callous specifically : to extinguish an emotional response (as of fear, anxiety, or guilt) to stimuli that formerly induced it.
Why is desensitization important?
The theory that “two opposing states cannot occur simultaneously” i.e. relaxation methods that are involved with desensitization inhibit feelings of anxiety that come with being exposed to phobic stimuli.