What is the phone number to Dominion Virginia Power?
(757) 857-2112Dominion Energy / Customer service
Is there a power outage in Virginia?
The map below contains current power outages in Virginia….Customer Outages.
County | State | Customers Out |
Albemarle | VA | 0 |
Alexandria City | VA | 0 |
Alleghany | VA | 0 |
Appomattox | VA | 0 |
How do I talk to a person at Dominion Power?
Call us at 866-DOM-HELP (866-366-4357) and speak with one of our Customer Care Associates. They are trained to answer your questions promptly and accurately.
Who owns Dominion Energy?
Berkshire Hathaway Energy
As part of the transaction, Berkshire Hathaway Energy will acquire 100% of Dominion Energy Transmission, Questar Pipeline and Carolina Gas Transmission; and 50% of Iroquois Gas Transmission System.
Where is Dominion Resources headquarters?
Richmond, VADominion Energy / Headquarters
What does Dominion Energy provide?
Electricity and natural gas are constantly in motion, traveling great distances for delivery to many different customers. Dominion Energy accomplishes this with miles of natural gas pipeline and electric lines. In the end, we deliver energy to about 7 million utility and retail energy customers.
Who bought out Dominion gas?
On July 5, 2020, Berkshire Hathaway Energy announced it had reached an agreement to acquire substantially all of Dominion Energy’s gas transmission and storage operating segment assets.
How long will refrigerator stay cold?
about 4 hours
Keep the refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible to maintain the cold temperature. The refrigerator will keep food safely cold for about 4 hours if it is unopened. A full freezer will hold the temperature for approximately 48 hours (24 hours if it is half full) if the door remains closed.
How many states is Dominion Energy in?
14 states
We operate in 14 states and supply sustainable, reliable, affordable, and safe energy to about 7 million customer accounts.
Does Duke Energy own Dominion Energy?
The joint venture ownership stakes are: Dominion, 45 percent; Duke Energy, 40 percent; Piedmont, 10 percent; and AGL Resources, 5 percent. Subsidiaries and affiliates of all four joint venture partners plan to be customers of the pipeline under 20-year contracts, pending regulatory approvals.
What company owns Dominion Energy?
Berkshire Hathaway Energy Completes Acquisition of Majority of Dominion Energy Gas Transmission and Storage Business. DES MOINES, Iowa – Berkshire Hathaway Energy today announced it has completed the purchase of Dominion Energy’s natural gas transmission and storage business, exclusive of Questar Pipeline Group.