What is the synonym of the word commence?
Some common synonyms of commence are begin, inaugurate, initiate, start, and usher in. While all these words mean “to take the first step in a course, process, or operation,” commence can be more formal or bookish than begin or start. commence firing.
Does commence mean start or stop?
commence Add to list Share. Commence is a fancy way of saying “begin.” Your invitation to a formal wedding might note, “The ceremony will commence at noon.”
What does inaugurate mean in the Bible?
transitive verb. 1 : to induct into an office with suitable ceremonies. 2a : to dedicate ceremoniously : observe formally the beginning of inaugurate a new school. b : to bring about the beginning of.
Is commence Old English?
ORIGIN Old French commencier, from Latin initiare begin … English terms dictionary. commence — [kə mens′] vi., vt. commenced, commencing [ME commencen < OFr comencier < VL * cominitiare, orig., to initiate as priest, consecrate < L com , together + initiare, to INITIATE] to begin; start; originate SYN.
What commence means?
Definition of commence transitive verb. : to enter upon : begin commence proceedings. intransitive verb. 1 : to have or make a beginning : start. 2 chiefly British : to take a degree at a university.
How do you use commence?
- The meeting is scheduled to commence at noon.
- I will be on leave during the week commencing 15 February.
- commence with something The day commenced with a welcome from the principal.
- commence something She commenced her medical career in 1956.
- The company commenced operations in April.
What is the noun of Commence?
commencement. The first existence of anything; act or fact of commencing.
What does commence meaning?
to enter upon : begin
Where does the word commence originate from?
commence (v.) c. 1300, “to start, initiate, cause to begin to be” (transitive), from Old French comencier “to begin, to start” (10c., Modern French commencer), from Vulgar Latin *cominitiare, originally “to initiate as priest, consecrate,” from Latin. From late 14c.
What is the commence in a sentence?
When something commences or you commence it, it begins. The academic year commences at the beginning of October. They commenced a systematic search.
What does commencement mean?
Definition of commencement 1 : an act, instance, or time of commencing They awaited the commencement of the trial. 2a : the ceremonies or the day for conferring degrees or diplomas A Nobel Prize winner will speak at the commencement.
How many inaugurations have there been?
Since 1789 there have been 59 inaugural ceremonies to mark the commencement of a new four-year term of a president of the United States, and an additional nine marking the start of a partial presidential term following the intra-term death or resignation of an incumbent president.
What does inauguration mean in government?
In government and politics, inauguration is the process of swearing a person into office and thus making that person the incumbent. Such an inauguration commonly occurs through a formal ceremony or special event, which may also include an inaugural address by the new official.
What is the opposite word of commencement?
Opposite of the beginning of something. conclusion. close. end. ending.
What does work to commence mean?
Work to Commence means the date of start of work specified in writing by the Department to the contractor.
What does it mean to inaugurate a house?
2 verb When a new building or institution is inaugurated, it is declared open in a formal ceremony. usu passive (=open)
What is the difference between commence and begin?
is that commence is to begin, start while begin is (ambitransitive) to start, to initiate or take the first step into something. (nonstandard) beginning; start. Other Comparisons: What’s the difference? To begin, start. Here the anthem doth commence .
What is a good sentence with the word commence?
This paragraph is clearly focused on the reader,listing various benefits of adaptive palm rejection.
What does the word commencing mean?
The word commencement is actually derived from a 13th century French word meaning beginning or start. You see, commencement isn’t the celebration of an ending it’s the celebration of a new beginning. As students, when you commence, you actually begin a new chapter in your life. Does commence mean stop?
What is another word for commence?
synonyms for commence Compare Synonyms begin inaugurate initiate launch take up arise open originate come into being come into existence embark on enter upon get cracking get going get one’s feet wet get show on road hit the ground running jump into kick off lead off start the ball rolling tear into