What is the use of Sy-Tabix in SAP ABAP?
sy-tabix is used to count the current row of an internal table.
How do I check if an internal table is empty in ABAP?
Best check – if internal table is empty
- IF itab[] IS INITIAL.
- IF LINES(itab[]) EQ 0.
- DESCRIBE TABLE itab LINES sy-tfill. IF sy-tfill EQ 0.
- others?
What does Sy Subrc 4 mean?
If SY-SUBRC is 0, the ABAP statement has been executed successfully. If the value is different from 0, than the statement has raised an error or warning. Usually 4 means error and 8 means warning, but this is not obligatory.
What is the difference between internal table and work area?
We can store multiple records in the internal table and also using record pointers we can do the activities such as reading, appending, deleting, modifying etc. Whereas work area is a variable declared with the TYPE of an internal table or a database table. It can store only one record at a time.
What is Mast table used for?
MAST is a standard Bills of Material Transparent Table in SAP Logistics application, which stores Material to BOM Link data.
What are the 3 types of customer exits in SAP?
There are three main types of customer exits: Function Module Exits. Screen Exits. Menu exits.
How many types of buffers are there in SAP ABAP?
There are three buffering types that can be configured for a database table or database view in ABAP Dictionary: Single record buffering.
How many records can an internal table hold in SAP?
A limit for the number of rows in internal tables results because they are addressed internally and in ABAP statements via 4 byte integers, which limits them to 2,147,483,647 entries.
What is foreign key in SAP ABAP?
A foreign key allows you to assign data records in the foreign key table and check table. By using the entries in the foreign key fields, one record of the foreign key table uniquely identifies one record of the check table.
Why do we need Sy-Subrc?
‘sy-subrc’ is a return code, set by the following ABAP statements. As a rule, if SY-SUBRC = 0, the statement was executed successfully. ASSIGN sets SY-SUBRC to 0 if the field symbol assignment was possible, otherwise to 4.