What kind of relationship does Montag and Clarisse have?
Montag grows to love and respect Clarisse and the basis of their relationship stays the same throughout the novel because even though Clarisse was killed Montag still remembered her and loved her. Clarisse inspired Montag to be the person that he is and she really did save his life in the…show more content…
What questions does Clarisse ask Montag?
What questions does Clarisse ask Montag? How does Montag react? She asked him if he was happy; he was shocked and said ‘am i what?’ Describe the atmosphere inside Montag’s house.
What was Clarisse’s big question to Montag?
What do the police try to get every citizen to do at the same time?
What is Montag’s reaction to Clarisse’s question?
What is Montag’s reaction to Clarisse’s question: “Have you ever read any of the books you burn?” He laughs and says, “That’s against the law!”
Who is Clarisse in love with?
She is now in the main villa after coupling up with Tyler Cruickshank, much to the dismay of fellow contestant Kaz Kamwi. Clarisse was up for the dating reality show because she was ‘bored of hugging my pillow’, and said she did have her eyes set on Teddy Soares when first joining the show.
How does Montag react to Clarisse’s question are you happy?
When Montag first meets Clarisse, she asks him if he is happy. He immediately assumes the answer is yes, but then considers the question with more thought. Prior to this conversation, he felt pleasure while burning books, but he now realizes this is not true happiness.
Why does Clarisse ask Montag if hes happy?
She gives another look on life and is different compared to everyone else. Why does Clarisse ask Montag if he’s happy? Montag is not doing what brings him personal satisfaction and happiness is what makes him look closer at his life: at his job, his wife, and the norms of the society in which he lives.
What does Montag think about Clarisse?
Montag believes that Clarisse was odd, however, she was odd in a good way. Once he met her he started questioning many things in society. Montag changes from being a book burning monster to an independent knowledge seeker due to the influences of Clarisse.
What does Clarisse symbolize?
Clarisse symbolizes individualism and critical thought in a society that has outlawed all individuality.
Why is Montag so fascinated with Clarisse?
Clarisse and Montag are fascinated with each other since Clarisse is completely different from Montag. While Montag is a bit more lonely and depressed, Clarisse is full of energy and ready to do anything.
How does Clarisse affect Montag?
Clarisse and Montag befriend each other quickly, and Clarisse’s impact on Montag is enormous. Clarisse comes into Montag’s life, and immediately begins to question his relationship with his wife, his career, and his happiness. Also, Clarisse shows Montag how to appreciate the simple things in life.
How did Clarisse influence Montag?
Why was Clarisse so important to Montag?
Clarisse comes into Montag’s life, and immediately begins to question his relationship with his wife, his career, and his happiness. Also, Clarisse shows Montag how to appreciate the simple things in life. She teaches him to care about other people and their feelings.
What does Montag think of Clarisse?
Montag believes that Clarisse was odd, however, she was odd in a good way. Once he met her he started questioning many things in society. Montag changes from being a book burning monster to an independent knowledge seeker due to the influences of Clarisse.
What does Clarisse represent in the things they carried?
Clarisse represents the wonder and creativity with which children look at the world. Growing up in this dystopia, Montag probably missed out on this perspective. She is the first to ask if Montag has ever read the books he burns.
How does Montag finally act on his feelings?
Montag finally acted on what he has been feeling since the talk with Clarisse. Without Clarisse filling his head with all of these questions he never would have stolen a book and he would still have been unhappy.
How does Montag change from being a book burning monster?
Montag changes from being a book burning monster to an independent knowledge seeker due to the influences of Clarisse. Need a custom essay on the same topic? Give us your paper requirements, choose a writer and we’ll deliver the highest-quality essay!