What percentage of people have a bifid uvula?
A bifid or bifurcated uvula exists in two percent of the general population. Its significance lies in its associations: recurrent otitis media, submucous cleft palate, and in rare cases, aortic aneurysm and rupture at an early age. It is caused by incomplete fusion of the palatine shelves during development.
What does a bifid uvula indicate?
Bifid uvula means a cleft in uvula. It is often considered as a marker for sub mucous cleft palate. Compared to the normal one, it has fewer amounts of muscular tissues. It is commonly noticed in infants and is rarely found in adult.
What ethnic group has bifid uvula?
Bifid uvula is a frequently observed anomaly in the general population. Its incidence varies according to racial groups. The incidence is higher in Indians and Mongols, average in Caucasians and less frequent in blacks.
Can you develop bifid uvula?
A bifid uvula, while a rare but often benign sign, can sometimes be indicative of a submucosal cleft palate and is associated with recurrent middle ear infections and nasal regurgitation on swallowing. Finding a bifid uvula in an adult patient is an extremely rare occurrence.
Does a bifid uvula affect speech?
People with a bifid uvula will have more trouble moving their soft palate during times of eating, drinking, and speaking. Food may not be digested properly, and speech can be distorted. This is especially true when the uvula is deeply split.
Is a bifid uvula genetic?
Both a cleft palate and a bifid uvula may be hereditary. They can also be the result of genetic conditions or caused by environmental factors. Smoking, certain medications, and diabetes can increase the risk of delivering a baby with a cleft palate.
Is it normal to have 2 Uvulas?
A bifid uvula can be harmless, or it can be a sign of other conditions like a submucosal cleft palate. Sometimes people have a bifid uvula without any problems, but it can cause problems with swallowing and other issues.
Are bifid Uvulas rare?
A bifid uvula is seen in 1 out of every 76 people. For many of these people, the splitting of the uvula will cause no problems. If it does cause issues with speech or eating, speech and feeding therapies or surgery may be recommended.
Is a split uvula rare?
What is Goldberg syndrome?
One common feature of Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome is craniosynostosis, a birth defect in which skull bones fuse or join together too early, preventing the skull from growing normally. This can cause problems with normal brain and skull growth.
How many people have Hallermann Streiff?
Hallermann–Streiff syndrome is a congenital disorder that affects growth, cranial development, hair-growth, and dental development. There are fewer than 200 people with the syndrome worldwide.