What Pokemon are stronger than Mewtwo?
Pokémon That Are Stronger Than Mewtwo
- Arceus. As no surprise to anyone, Arceus made the stronger side of this list.
- Mew. Mewtwo is a clone of Mew.
- Rayquaza. The strongest legendary in Hoen is perhaps one of the strongest Pokémon in all continuity.
- Ho-Oh.
- Palkia.
- Dialga.
- Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus.
- Calyrex.
Who is stronger Mewtwo or Arceus?
In terms of its base stats, Arceus reaches at 720, while Mewtwo in his Mega Form gets a base stat of 780. I’m not saying that Mewtwo could defeat Arceus in a battle, but he’d certainly be able to stand up to him. It’s quite interesting to see a scientific creation go up against a religious figure.
Can Mewtwo defeat Arceus?
The Answer is simple Arceus is the strongest Pokemon. Many compare Mewtwo’s storm attack & arceus’s judgement attack and those attack’s effects based on the movie and in the movie Arceus and jewel of life Arceus gets tortured by a man named damos. considering these facts many thinks that Mewtwo is stronger than arceus.
Who’s stronger Mew or Mewtwo?
Mewtwo is Mew’s bigger and more powerful clone. Mewtwo has been through more trauma than its original. Mew has a better variety of attacks, but Mewtwo’s overall Pokédex stats are better. In the Mewtwo Strikes Back movie, Mew knew that Mewtwo wanted to destroy the world.
What is the top 10 strongest Pokémon?
Arceus, Mewtwo, & More: 10 Most Powerful Legendary Pokemon
- Arceus. Arceus is, without a doubt, the most powerful Legendary Pokémon.
- Mewtwo. The Psychic type Pokémon Mewtwo is a man-made, genetically enhanced version of the Mythical Pokémon Mew.
- Giratina.
- Dialga.
- Palkia.
- Rayquaza.
- Groudon.
- Kyogre.
Is Pikachu stronger than Mewtwo?
In addition to Mewtwo winning easily over Pikachu and Cinderace at the time, it was powerful enough in the first movie to create its own Poké Balls to capture Pikachu with. Considering Mewtwo’s vast powers and abilities, it will be a long time before Pikachu is strong enough to beat it in battle.
Can Yveltal destroy the world?
Yveltal could absorb life energy from every living creature at once to become the last Pokémon on Earth, and after a thousand years of sleep, it would be set for another thousand years to come. That’s a terrifying power for even a Legendary Pokémon to have, not to mention a pretty twisted way for the world to end.
Which is the 2nd strongest Pokémon?
Giratina Able to travel through dimensions at will and basically being the embodiment of anti-matter, this Pokémon is without a doubt the second most powerful Legendary Pokémon of all time. There is only one other Pokémon that could be considered more powerful than Giratina, and that’s the one who created it.
What is the 2 strongest Pokémon?
What is the strongest Legendary Pokémon?
Pokemon: The 18 Strongest Legendary Pokemon, Ranked According To Their Stats
- 1 Arceus (720)
- 2 Zamazenta (720)
- 3 Zacian (720)
- 4 Zygarde (708)
- 5 Kyurem (700)
- 6 Eternatus (690)
- 7 Rayquaza (680)
- 8 Mewtwo (680)
Who is the 4th strongest Pokemon?
15 Strongest Pokemon In Generation IV (Based On Stats)
- 1 Arceus. As the closest thing to a creator god in the Pokemon universe, it’s no surprise that Arceus has a ridiculous base stat total.
- 2 Dialga, Palkia, And Giratina.
- 3 Regigigas.
- 4 Heatran And Cresselia.
- 5 Garchomp.
- 6 Mythicals.
- 7 Lake Guardians.
- 8 Togekiss.
Is Yveltal the god of death?
Yveltal is the first Dark-type Version mascot. Yveltal has the same stat distribution as Xerneas, with a base stat total of 680. Yveltal and Xerneas are exact opposites: Yveltal represents death, chaos, destruction, and darkness, while Xerneas represents life, peace, creation, and light.