When did the word eavesdrop originate?
Eavesdrop comes from the Old English yfesdrype, which the Oxford English Dictionary attests all the way back in an 868 Kentish charter. Yfesdrype, or eavesdrip, first referred to the space around a house where rainwater dripped from the eaves. It also named the dripping itself.
What do you call a person who eavesdrop?
Etymology. The verb eavesdrop is a back-formation from the noun eavesdropper (“a person who eavesdrops”), which was formed from the related noun eavesdrop (“the dripping of water from the eaves of a house; the ground on which such water falls”).
Is it eavesdrop or eavesdrop?
verb (used without object), eaves·dropped, eaves·drop·ping. to listen secretly to a private conversation. verb (used with object), eaves·dropped, eaves·drop·ping.
What is the antonym of eavesdrop?
What is the opposite of eavesdrop?
ignore | be oblivious |
be unaware | take no notice |
pay no attention to |
What is another name for eavesdropping?
In this page you can discover 18 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for eavesdrop, like: overhear, bend an ear, monitor, eavesdropping, listen stealthily, listen, bug, tap, snoop, spy and investigate.
What is the visual equivalent of eavesdropping?
Nassi and his colleagues have come up with a new “visual eavesdropping” technique they call Lamphone. The main idea of the method is using a lightbulb (hence the name of the technique) as an object from which you can capture the vibrations caused by sound.
What is eve’s dropping?
: to listen secretly to private conversation. eavesdrop. intransitive verb. eaves·drop.
What is an antonym for eavesdrop?
Opposite of to hear a conversation one is not intended to hear. ignore. abstain. disregard.
Is Jumbo a Swahili word?
Jambo is a Swahili greeting or salutation. It is similar in meaning to the English word Hello.
Why are elephants called Jumbo?
Jumbo was an African bush elephant, one of the largest ever seen in Europe. In fact, the word jumbo, meaning something large, is named after Jumbo himself.
What is a antonym for eavesdrop?
What are some antonyms for eavesdrop?
antonyms for eavesdropping
- incurious.
- indifferent.
- uncaring.
- unconcerned.
- uninterested.
What is the opposite of eavesdropping?
What does EZ dropping mean?
: to listen secretly to what is said in private.