Which merchant pays the most in Oblivion?
Varel Morvayn at Morvayn’s Peacemakers (Skill 40, 1200-2200 gold) – Varel is the best for expensive goods. Unlike the other exceptions, he will buy weapons and armor — the main money-maker for most players — without the need to first reach Journeyman skill.
How do I raise my Mercantile in Oblivion?
To increase mercantile skill, you will want to sell items one by one, as this gives you experience for each item, rather than 0.4 experience for the batch. Arrow stacks are a very good example on something to sell in this manner.
Where can I train Mercantile in Oblivion?
Level | Trainer | Location |
Apprentice | Mach-Na | Mach-Na’s Books in Cheydinhal. |
Journeyman | Seed-Neeus | Northern Goods and Trade in Chorrol. |
Journeyman | Margarte | In her house in Leyawiin. Go at 10 at night or around 6 AM. |
Master Trainer Quest |
What is the fastest way to make money in Oblivion?
A nice way to make money is to explore some dungeons and caves. Many have several items that you can sell, and gold lying around or locked in chests. Make and sell potions. This not only increases your Alchemy skill, but also nets you a nice profit.
What does haggling do in Oblivion?
Haggling[edit] The Mercantile skill determines your ability to negotiate for better prices when buying and selling items from merchants. The Base Price of each item is shown in your inventory.
What is the fastest way to level up restoration in Oblivion?
Go in the sewers in the Imperial City, find a mud crab, put up your shield and let it attack. Every now and then do a Heal Minor Wounds spell between rat attacks. This improves Restoration skills as well.
Does using the Skeleton Key increase lockpicking Oblivion?
The Skeleton Key makes the lockpicking mini-game impossible to lose: simply use the auto-attempt lockpicking option repeatedly until the lock opens. This is much quicker than picking it manually. You can speed up Security leveling by safely storing the key out of your inventory.
How do you get infinite money in Oblivion?
Get Dorian to have a bad disposition by attacking him with a paralysis spell, or use a potion on a certain weapon, then bribe him with gold. Repeat the process as many times as desired then paralyze him and take the amount of money in his loot an infinite amount of times.
How do I lower my price in Oblivion?
HagglingEdit In the merchant’s inventory window, however, the value of each item shown is your current offer. Clicking the Haggle button displays a simple sliding bar, which determines what price you are currently offering. The farther right, the better deals, and vice versa.